>> Institutional Investors. This page is for individual investors only. Professional investment funds should contact us directly to discuss your investment criteria for investments of $5MM to $50MM. Please email our General Counsel at roger@genxcapital3x.com.

Want to Triple Your Investment In Only 4 Years?

We work with investors and individuals like you who have little time, but need proven, risk-protected wealth-building strategies that generate high returns.

Need Quick Investment Returns?

Our investments produce high returns over very short holding periods.

  • 3X your initial investment
  • Short 4 year holding period
  • Completely passive investment
  • No management fees

Who is This Investment Ideal For?

We work with investors of all types across a wide array of needs & goals.

  • Whether you're a doctor, entrepreneur, or executive with high income, and are tired of poor returns from other investments.
  • Or you are a busy professional whose 401k or savings has insufficient cash for the retirement you've planned and expect.
  • Maybe you previously lost a well-funded savings due to illness, unemployment, lawsuit, divorce, or other large expenditure.
  • Are you planning a specific expense due in the next 4 years or soon after, such as college, debt, property purchase, or something similar?

If anything on this list resonates with you then it's likely that you are a good fit to access & benefit from our invesment strategy.

Retirement Acceleration


4 Years On Average

The Ideal Cash Infusion Retirement Plan

Millions of smart professionals are stressed out because the thought of retiring in the foreseeable future seems impossible. Sometimes the most effective retirement plan is a lump-sum cash infusion. One way we stand out from other firms is our ability to generate cash quickly for our investors—ideal if your 401k or other savings has fallen behind your target retirement timeline. Our Velocity3X strategy is designed to triple your investment in 4 years. This could accelerate your ability to retire by a decade or more depending on the amount you invest.

Want to Learn More? Contact Us Today

Call us at (773)540-1020